Most people have very wrong ideas about diabetes and consider it a very restrictive condition – probably right so, since generally the advice given is never positive, most advices are only don’t-s do-s’.
Don’t eat this and that
Don’t do this or that
Don’t take sweets etc.
The facts of the matter are totally different. There are very few don’ts to be followed and the diabetic can be as free as normal people in most circumstances.
Adequate knowledge of the disease and an understanding of how to apply this knowledge to daily life can instill greater confidence in the diabetic to lead a better, fuller, and happier life.
The best news is that our new knowledge is making possible the avoidance of many complications.
Until recently, the threat of impaired vision, kidney failure, and nerve damage hung like a dark cloud over the lives of diabetics. Today the cloud is less darker because maintaining near normal blood sugar levels not only helps people fee well, but also offers hope that long term complications can be avoided or minimized and better treated. |